Original character (created by RivetBuster)
Status: Retired
Cost: ~$40
Made and worn in summer 2012
Belnord is a character my friend made for an RP she was in called Clockhearts. I like redheads, and I especially like antagonistic redhead boys, so she asked me if I wanted to cosplay him, and despite not knowing much about him (I wasn't in the RP), I said, "Of course!"
My favorite part of this costume is the vest. I like the fit of it; it helped that it wasn't the first vest I'd ever made! It's completely from scratch, and I handpainted all the diamonds.
I also made the shorts, the necktie, and the brooch (though that was just a piece of craft foam, hahaha).
The wig is a Jett in maroon from Arda Wigs with practically no styling.
Photos by Apprivoise (no contact info)