Rita Mordio

Tales of Vesperia

  • Status: Retired

  • Cost: ~$150

  • Bought and worn in 2010-2011

Rita Mordio was my sassy girl in Tales of Vesperia, and at the time, I was totally missing out on shipping her with the princess of the game, but I still got amazing photos later with my good friend Terranell!

I think I bought this costume from EZ Cosplay, but I'm not positive. I bought a pair of goggles and painted the lenses red for Rita's signature look, and I bought a basic red notebook, painted parts of it black, added some foam for the closure, and attached some elastic string to it for it to hang around my neck.

I made her blastia with some craft foam and a plastic jewel from the craft store.

My favorite part of the costume is the sleeves! They're so big and flowy! Perfect for Rita's outfit.

I originally bought a wig that turned out to be straight-up orange, so then I repurposed the wig from my North Italy costume, because it was a nice reddish-brown color. I really wanted a warm brown, since the artwork for the game usually showed Rita with a warm brown hair color as opposed to the medium brown in the game itself.

Photos by Smile Jade Photography and Alex.

With Terranell/Alter Ego Creative as Estelle and munabuns as Judith